Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 3/9/2010 9:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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10-00009  Agenda ItemClosed Session Agenda  Action details Not available
10-00240 A-1)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution dedicating Tepusquet Road Bridge to Linda Tunnel and Renee O’Neill.Pass Action details Video Video
10-00227 A-2)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution celebrating the 3rd annual International Women’s Festival in Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
10-00218 A-3)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Sergeant Ross Ruth upon his retirement from the Sheriff’s Department after over 30 years of faithful and distinguished service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
10-00219 A-4)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Detective Robert C. Cooley upon his retirement from the Sheriff’s Department after over 29 years of faithful and distinguished service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
10-00220 A-5)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Senior Deputy Ronald J. Heil upon his retirement from the Sheriff’s Department after over 30 years of faithful and distinguished service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
10-00235 A-6)Agenda ItemMontecito Fire Protection District - Approve the requests of the Montecito Fire Protection District, as follows: a) Order, call and give notice of a special election to be held in the Montecito Fire Protection District (District) on July 13, 2010 for the purpose of submitting to the voters of said District a proposition pursuant to Article XIII B of the Constitution of the State of California to retain the District’s increased limits of appropriations; b) Declare that the special election to be held in the District on July 13, 2010 shall be conducted by all-mailed ballots pursuant to Section 4108 of the Elections Code; and c) Authorize the Elections Official of the County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor’s Office to render specified services to the District relating to the conduct of a special election pursuant to Section 10002 of the Elections Code. (APPROVE AND REFER TO THE COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER-ASSESSOR)Pass Action details Not available
10-00226 A-7)Agenda ItemActing as the Board of Directors, Santa Barbara Fund for Public and Educational Access, a California non-profit corporation: Consider recommendations regarding Restated Articles of Incorporation for the Santa Barbara Fund for Public and Educational Access, as follows: a) Approve the filing of Restated Articles of Incorporation with the California Secretary of State; and b) Approve and authorize the Chair and County Executive Officer, in their capacity as President and Secretary of the corporation, to execute the Restated Article of Incorporation.Pass Action details Video Video
10-00233 A-8)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the adoption of amendments to the Santa Barbara County Single Comprehensive Conflict of Interest Code for County Departments, Commissions, Boards and Committees, and Dependent Special Districts, which add the following to the Single Code: a) County of Santa Barbara Fish and Game Commission; b) Historic Landmarks Advisory Commission; and c) Board of Directors of the Santa Barbara County Finance Corporation, Inc.Pass Action details Video Video
10-00238 A-9)Agenda ItemApproves and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 3 to Easement No. DACA-09-2-85-5 between the Secretary of the Air Force (Grantor) and the County of Santa Barbara (Grantee) to extend the term of the existing Easement an additional twenty-five (25) years to continue the existing water system that provides water to Jalama Beach County Park through the use of existing County water wells, tanks, and pipelines currently on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) property. (4/5 Vote Required)Pass Action details Not available
10-00239 A-10)Agenda ItemAuthorize the General Services Department staff to explore the purchase of Caltrans Parcels 2261-01-03 (4.72 acres) and 2262-01-01 (8.92 acres) located at the intersection of Burton Mesa and Harris Grade Road, in Lompoc, through the Caltrans Excess Property direct sale process which offers the subject parcels to a public agency for purchase, and requires a public agency to adopt a resolution to hold the property for public purpose. (4/5 Vote Required)Pass Action details Video Video
10-00231 A-11)Agenda ItemConsider Case No. 08AGP-00000-00040 for approval of one agricultural preserve Replacement Contract for Green Canyon LLC, in the Guadalupe area, Fourth District, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair the execute Replacement Contract No. 08AGP-00000-00040. The Replacement Contract involves APN 113-100-029 located near the intersection of Betteravia Road and Brown Road, approximately 1 mile southeast of the City of Guadalupe.Pass Action details Not available
10-00221 A-12)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Contractor on Payroll Kyle Fleher (a local vendor), to provide Emergency Planner services for the Public Health Department Emergency Preparedness Program for the period of March 22, 2010 through June 26, 2011, in an amount not to exceed $76,275.00 plus benefits.Pass Action details Not available
10-00223 A-13)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Revenue Agreement with the California Department of Health Services State Office of AIDS, and a Professional Services Agreement with Pacific Pride Foundation for the HIV Care Program, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Public Health Department Director to execute Amendment No. A04 to Revenue Agreement Number 07-65081 with the California Department of Public Health Office of AIDS for the HIV Care Program, formerly the AIDS Master Grant Agreement, for the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010, in the amount of $471,666.00; and b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute an Independent Contractor Agreement with Pacific Pride Foundation for the HIV Care Program to provide early intervention services, for the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010, in the amount of $255,184.00.Pass Action details Video Video
10-00222 A-14)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding an Approval of Services contract with the City of Guadalupe, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute an Approval of Services Contract with the City of Guadalupe for Public Works surveying services; and b) Approve the appointment of Michael Emmons as City Surveyor contingent upon approval by the City of Guadalupe City Council.Pass Action details Not available
10-00230 A-15)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute the Statement of Final Quantities for work performed, and materials supplied by the Contractor, D-Kal Engineering, Inc. (not a local vendor), Post Office Box 1919, San Luis Obispo, California, 93406, in the amount of $447,466.78, for the Construction of 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Miscellaneous Concrete Repair, County Project No. 820619, Third and Fourth Districts.Pass Action details Not available
10-00166 A-16)Agenda ItemConsider the adoption (second reading) of an Ordinance amending Chapter 23 Sections 23-15.3, 23-15.4, 23-15.5, 23-15.6 & 23-15.7 of the Santa Barbara County Code, pertaining to speed limits on Hot Springs Road and Olive Mill Road in the Montecito area, Modoc Road in the Santa Barbara area, Puente Drive and Vieja Drive in the Goleta area, Storke Road in the Isla Vista area, Onstott Road in the Mission Hills area, and College Drive in the Orcutt area, First, Second, Third, and Fourth Districts.Pass Action details Not available
10-00224 A-17)Agenda ItemActing as the Board of Directors, Laguna County Sanitation District: Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with CH2M HILL for the preparation of a facilities and financial master plan for the Laguna County Sanitation District in the amount of $27,037.60, increasing the contract amount from $279,260 to $306,297.60.Pass Action details Not available
10-00229 A-18)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Donna Carpenter to the Santa Barbara County Finance Corporation, Inc., term ending July 30, 2013, Third District.Pass Action details Not available
10-00225 A-19)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Francis Michael Dawson to the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission, term ending June 30, 2012, Fifth District.Pass Action details Not available
10-00228 A-20)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Diane L. Stevenett to the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission, term ending June 30, 2010, Fifth District.Pass Action details Not available
10-00234 A-21)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the 2010-2011 Annual Work Program and Mid-Year Report for Land Use Planning Projects and Policy Initiatives, as follows: (EST. TIME 1 HR.) a) Receive and file the 2010-2011 Annual Work Program and Mid-Year Report for Land Use Planning Projects and Policy Initiatives; b) Consider recommendations from the County and Montecito Planning Commissions, as well as the Agricultural Advisory Committee; c) Direct staff to continue work on current projects, required services and operations management; d) Direct staff to continue efforts and develop appropriate Land Use Development Code amendments to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries and distribution as specified in the Work Program; and e) Direct Energy Division staff to return to the Board with their review of the following projects for eligibility for a General Allocation award from the Coastal Resources Enhancement Fund (CREF) to cover the 2010-2011 costs ($637,101.00) for the following projects as specified in the Work Program: i) Gaviota Coastal Plan; ii) Summerland CommPass Action details Video Video
10-00232 A-22)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the adoption of Ordinances relating to fee schedules of the Public Works County Surveyor and Water Resources Division Development Review Fee Update, as follows: a) Consider the adoption (second reading) of an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Adopting a Schedule of Fees for Services provided by the Department of Public Works, County Surveyor Division in Connection with the Review and Approval of Subdivision and Survey Related Documents and Maps within the Jurisdiction of Santa Barbara County”; b) Consider the adoption (second reading) of an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance of the County of Santa Barbara, State of California, Adopting a Schedule of Fees for Services provided by the Public Works Department, Water Resources Division, in Connection with Providing Services within the County of Santa Barbara, State of California”; c) Upon adoption of the above, pursuant to County’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, approve a Notice of Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA) exemption under PubliPass Action details Not available
10-00001  Agenda ItemPublic Comment  Action details Video Video
10-00184 1)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Five Year Capital Improvement Program, Fiscal Years 2010-15, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR. 30 MIN.) a) Receive and file the Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP); b) Review and approve in concept the projects included in the CIP and the Proposed Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011; and c) Refer the CIP to the Planning Commission and request analysis of projects recommended for planning, initiation, or construction during Fiscal Year 2010-2011 for conformity with the County Comprehensive Plan and return to the Board with their findings. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION:Pass Action details Video Video
10-00190 2)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Contract with Manatron Inc. to Replace the Property Tax and Cashiering System, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required) a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Contract with Manatron, Inc. (not a local vendor) for an amount not to exceed $3,225,670.00 for the development and implementation of property tax/treasury software and five years of maintenance; b) Approve Budget Revision Request No. 858 transferring $2,000,000.00 from the 2009-2010 capital designation and $434,000.00 from the strategic reserve for a total of $2,434,000.00; and c) Determine that approval of the contract with Manatron is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(3) and 15378(b)(5) of the CEQA Guidelines, because it will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and approve the Notice of Exemption.Pass Action details Video Video
10-00204 3)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendation regarding the Information Technology Department (ITD) Enhanced Computer Room at the Betteravia Government Center in Santa Maria, Project Nos. 8687 and 8676, Fifth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Approve staff recommendations to incorporate an Enhanced Computer Room of approximately 800 square feet into the new Betteravia Government Administration and Back-Up Emergency Operations Center, “Building E”. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Video Video
10-00211 4)Agenda ItemHEARING - Receive and file an update on the preparation of a Sustainability Action Plan for County Operations (SAPCO). (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Video Video