HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Cannabis Odor Abatement and Proposed
Amendments to Chapter 50 and Chapter 35, Article II of the County Code, as follows:
(EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Direct the County Executive’s Office to draft necessary amendments to Chapter 50 of the
County Code, specifically to integrate mandatory multiple technology carbon filtration odor control
measures such as carbon scrubbers or equivalent effective technology in mixed light cannabis
cultivation operations;
b) Direct the Planning Department to introduce changes to require Multi-Technology Carbon
Filtration in mixed-light cannabis cultivation operations throughout the County of Santa Barbara for
consideration to the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission as part of their discussion on
odor abatement and enforcement, which is currently scheduled for January 22, 2025;
c) Determine that these actions do not constitute a project under the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5); and
d) Provide any additional direction to staff, as appropriate.
HEARING TIME: 11:36 AM - 12:44 PM (1 HR. 8 MIN.)
Received and filed staff presentation and conducted a public hearing.
Derek Stuckl, Karin Hauenstein, Collin Dvorak, Ed Seaman, Nancy Emerson,
Merrily Peebles, Anna Carrillo, David Van Wingerden, Emilliano Campobello,
Mark Kram and Valerie Bentz addressed the Board.
A motion was made by Supervisor Hartmann, seconded by Supervisor Lee, that
this matter be acted on as follows:
a) and b) Directed;
c) Approved; and
d) Provided direction to staff, as follows: (1) Develop Ordinances consistent with
the Board Letter presented at the January 14, 2025 Board of Supervisors
meeting; (2) Include carbon scrubbers, equivalent, or better technology; (3)
Consider options for Board review of extensions; (4) Phase out vapor phase
systems; (5) Include a measure of odor at the property line; (6) Include revocation
of business license as part of the odor enforcement program; and (7) Include an
outdoor grow discussion as a future work program item.
The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Supervisor Lee, Supervisor Capps, Supervisor Hartmann, Supervisor
Nelson, and Supervisor Lavagnino