HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Historic Landmarks Advisory
Commission’s Designation of Cold Spring Canyon Bridge as a County Historic Landmark, Third
District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.)
a) Approve the designation by, and confirm the action of, the Historic Landmarks Advisory
Commission and the conditions to be imposed, and adopt a Resolution with conditions, designating
Cold Spring Canyon Bridge, located on State Route No. 154, Postmile 22.95-23.19, as a County
Historic Landmark, and determine that the project is exempt from the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15308;
b) Modify the designation by the Historic Landmarks Advisory Commission, and adopt the
modified Resolution with conditions to be imposed, designating Cold Spring Canyon Bridge,
located on State Route No. 154, Postmile 22.95-23.19, as a County Historic Landmark, and
determine that the project is exempt from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to State CEQA
Guidelines Section 15308; or
c) Disapprove the designation of the Historic Landmarks Advisory Commission designating Cold
Spring Canyon Bridge, located on State Route No. 154, Postmile 22.95-23.19, as a County
Historic Landmark and the conditions to be imposed, and determine that the project is exempt
from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15270.
HEARING TIME: 12:47 PM - 1:01 PM (14 MIN.)
Received and filed staff presentation and conducted a public hearing.
Tommy Garwood, and Keith Coffman-Grey addressed the Board.
A motion was made by Supervisor Capps seconded by Supervisor Lavagnino, that
this matter be acted on as follows:
a) and c) No action taken; and
b) Modified and adopted a Resolution designating Cold Springs Canyon Bridge as
a County Historic Landmark amending the landmark number from 57 to 56, with
conditions to be imposed, and determined the project is exempt from the
California Environments Quality Act.
The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - Supervisor Lee, Supervisor Capps, Supervisor Hartmann, and Supervisor
1 - Supervisor Nelson