HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the County Planning Commission (CPC) and
Montecito Planning Commission (MPC) recommended package of Ordinance amendments to the
County Land Use and Development Code (LUDC), Montecito Land Use and Development Code
(MLUDC), Article II, Coastal Zoning Ordinance (CZO), to (1) add provisions and development
standards in accordance with Senate Bill (SB) 9 regulations (Government Code (GC) Sections
65852.21 and 66411.7); (2) revise existing development standards and permit procedures for
Commercial Telecommunication Facilities; and (3) process other minor Ordinance amendments to
update existing text provisions, including updating allowed uses in the Limited Commercial Zone
(C-1) zone district in Article II and General Industry (M-2) zone district in the LUDC, and
implementing clarifications and necessary revisions to the existing Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) Ordinance to align with changes to State law; and to
consider amendments to Chapter 21, Land Division, to add provisions and development standards
in accordance with Senate Bill (SB) 9 regulations (GC Sections 65852.21 and 66411.7), as
follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Make the required findings for approval of the zoning code amendments, including California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings;
b) Determine that adoption of the LUDC (Case Nos. 24ORD-00016 and -00019), MLUDC
(Case Nos. 24ORD-00017 and -00020), and CZO (Case Nos. 24ORD-00015, -00018, and
-00025) are exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15061(b)(3), 15265,
15268, and 15282(h), and GC Sections 65852.21(j) and 66411.7(n);
c) Adopt the Ordinances to amend the LUDC (Case Nos. 24ORD-00016 and -00019), MLUDC
(Case Nos. 24ORD-00017 and -00020), and CZO (Case Nos. 24ORD-00015, -00018, and
d) Approve the introduction (first reading) of “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 21, Land Division,
of the Santa Barbara County Code, to Establish Procedures and Regulations for Urban Lot Splits,
as Authorized by Government Code Section 66411.7” (Case No. 24ORD-00024);
e) Read the title “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 21, Land Division, of the Santa Barbara
County Code, to Establish Procedures and Regulations for Urban Lot Splits, as Authorized by
Government Code Section 66411.7” and waive further reading of the ordinance, Case No.
24ORD-00024; and
f) Set a hearing on the Administrative Agenda of February 11, 2025 to consider recommendations,
as follows:
i) Make the findings for approval, including CEQA findings, of “An Ordinance Amending Chapter
21, Land Division, of the Santa Barbara County Code, to Establish Procedures and Regulations for