Consider recommendations regarding the Acquisition of 660 Randall Road (Anthony), 1760 East Valley Road (Flaster), 620 Randall Road (MacDonald), 650 Randall Road (Nicoletti), 680 Randall Road (Rintels-Riskin Rintels), and 670 Randall Road (Waldref), by Flood Control and Water Conservation District for Flood Control Purposes (APN’s 007-120-034; 007-120-059; 007-120-054; 007-120-035; 007-120-032; and 007-120-033, respectively) (RP File No. 003892), First District, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
Acting as the Board of Directors, Flood Control and Water Conservation District:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions between the Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District), as Buyer, and Andrew Anthony and Agnieszka Anthony, Trustees of the Andrew and Agnieszka Anthony 2016 Trust, as Sellers, for the District’s acquisition of the property located at 660 Randall Road, in the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County, known as Assessor Parcel Number 007-120-034, (Anthony Property) for a purchase price of $1,400,000.00;
b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions between the District, as Buyer, and Dorothy Flaster, as Trustee of the GST Trust created under the Flaster Living Trust, dated October 24, 1988, as Seller, for the District’s acquisition of the property located at 1760 East Valley Road, in the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County, known as Assessor Parcel Number 007-120-059, (Flaster Property) for a purchase price of $1,254,000.00;
c) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions between the District, as Buyer, and Brian G. MacDonald and Karen MacDonald, Trustees of the BK MacDonald Living Trust, dated November 18, 2009, as Sellers, for the District’s acquisition of the property located at 620 Randall Road, in the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County, known as Assessor Parcel Number 007-120-054, (MacDonald Property) for a purchase price of $1.4 million;
d) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions between the District, as Buyer, and David W. Rintels and Victoria Riskin Rintels, Trustees of the Riskin Rintels Trust, dated May 8, 2000, as Sellers, for the District’s acquisition of the property located at 680 Randall Road, in the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County, known as Assessor Parcel Number 007-120-032 (Rintels-Riskin Rintels Property) for a purchase price of $1,400,000.00;
e) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions between the District, as Buyer, and Lois Ream Waldref, TTEE Lois Ream Waldref Revocable Trust u/a 11/28/96, as amended, as Seller, for the District’s acquisition of the property located at 670 Randall Road, in the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County, known as Assessor Parcel Number 007-120-033 (Waldref Property) for a purchase price of $1,400,000.00;
f) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions between the District, as Buyer, and Anthony C. Nicoletti and Carol A. Nicoletti, husband and wife as community property with right of survivorship, as Sellers, for the District’s acquisition of the property located at 650 Randall Road, in the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County, known as Assessor Parcel Number 007-120-035 (Nicoletti Property) for a purchase price of $1,400,000.00;
g) Authorize the Director of General Services, or designee, to execute any and all escrow documents required to facilitate the terms and conditions of the proposed acquisitions of the six properties described in Recommended Actions “a” through “f” (collectively, the Properties);
h) Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works or designee, to determine satisfaction of the terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreements and Escrow Instructions and to expend funds in a total amount not to exceed the total purchase price of eight million two hundred fifty four thousand dollars ($8,254,000.00), for all six acquisitions, plus title and escrow fees, including any other costs required to facilitate the transaction pursuant to the Purchase Agreements and Escrow Instructions;
i) Approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board, upon satisfaction of the terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreements and Escrow Instructions, to execute the six Certificates of Acceptance, consummating the purchases and accepting title to the Properties;
j) Approve Budget Revision Request No. 0007202 to increase appropriations in the amount of $8,654,000.00, in the Public Works South Coast Flood Zone fund for Capital Assets funded by a release of Restricted Purpose of Fund Balance; and
k) After considering the Environmental Impact Report for the Randall Road Debris Basin Project (SCH Number; 2019029104) and the discussion included herein, find that pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15162, no substantial changes are proposed, and there are no substantial changes in circumstances or new information of substantial importance regarding significant impacts or feasibility of mitigation measures and alternatives, and therefore, pursuant to CEQA Section 15162, the recommended actions are within the scope of the project covered by the Environmental Impact Report for the Randall Road Debris Basin Project as well as the Findings accepted by the Board of Directors as on August 18, 2020, and no new environmental document is required.