Consider recommendations regarding a 2021 Employee Benefit Insurance Program Renewal, as follows:
a) In the matter of setting health plan rates for 2021, the Board of Supervisors approves the following renewals:
i) Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management (PRISM) Health Blue Shield Health Plans:
The renewal of the PRISM Blue Shield Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) High, Blue Shield EPO Low, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), and High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) plans for a twelve-month period, at the existing benefit levels with a premium increase of 5.3%, effective January 1, 2021, for all active employees and retirees;
ii) Kaiser Permanente Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Health Plans:
The renewal of the active employees’ and early retirees’ Kaiser Permanente High and Low HMO for a twelve-month period at the existing benefit levels, with a 5.3% increase in premiums, effective January 1, 2021, and for all Medicare-eligible retirees, with no increase in premiums for the Senior Advantage Plans, at the existing benefit levels;
iii) County Self-Funded Delta Dental PPO Plan:
The annual Actuarial Underwriting Report for the County Self-Funded Dental Plan is shown in the County Self-Funded Dental Actuarial Report, and continues the existing program benefits with a 2.1% premium decrease for both actives and retirees for a twelve-month period, effective January 1, 2021;
iv) Dental HMO Plan - DeltaCare USA:
The renewal of the existing DeltaCare USA Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) plan, and continues the existing benefit levels for active employees and retirees, with a zero premium rate increase for a two-year rate guarantee, effective January 1, 2021;
v) Vision Service Provider Plan:
The renewal of the existing Vision Service Provider Plan, and continues the existing benefit levels for active employees and retirees, with a zero premium rate increase with two more years of a four-year rate guarantee, effective January 1, 2021;
vi) CareCounsel Healthcare Assistance Program:
The renewal of the CareCounsel Healthcare Assistance Program with a zero rate increase for all covered active employees and retirees, for a twelve-month period effective January 1, 2021;
vii) United Healthcare Medicare Risk HMO Health Plans:
The renewal of the United Healthcare Medicare Risk HMO Health Plans for County of Santa Barbara retirees, at existing benefit levels, and a premium decrease of 6%, for a twelve-month period, effective January 1, 2021;
b) In the matter of adjusting benefit plan designs for 2021, approve the following Health Oversight Committee (HOC) recommendations:
i) Approve adding a narrow network plan design in addition to existing plans for a twelve-month period effective January 1, 2021, for all active employees and retirees;
ii) Approve the implementation of a Carrum Health Mandatory Second Opinion Referral Program for specific surgeries for Blue Shield Plan members only effective January 1, 2021;
iii) Approve the implementation of the Amino Member Tool for HDHP members only, for three years, effective January 1, 2021, as described below;
iv) Approve the expansion of RX Clinical program, effective January 1, 2021;
c) Further, authorize the Human Resources Director or designee to execute any necessary third-party administrative agreements and documents required to manage plans listed in recommendations (a) through (b) above; and
d) Determine that these activities are exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4) since the recommended actions are government funding mechanisms or fiscal activities which do not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment.