HEARING - Consider recommendations from the Legislative Program Committee meeting of February 22, 2005, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Reaffirm support for the County's State Legislative Priorities (Attachment 1) as amended by the Committee to include the following:
Additional Priorities:
i. Seek opportunities to support legislation to enhance the County's and State's economic and business climate;
ii. Seek opportunities to fund alternative transportation projects;
iii. Support the efforts of the County Sheriff to seek an author for legislation to fund the unfunded costs of the Michael Jackson trial;
Amended Priorities:
iv. Amend existing priority to seek an author for legislation to receive 20% share of state tidelands oil royalty revenue from leases within the County by expanding the permissible uses of funding to include alternative transportation projects;
Delete Priorities:
v. Delete priority of seeking an author for legislation to permit local governments to impose a fee on the sale, transfer, or conveyance of property for purposes of funding affordable/workforce housing;
b) Reaffirm support for the County's Federal Legislative Priorities (Attachment 2) as amended to include the following additional priorities in the Emerging Opportunities - Monitoring and Reporting issue area: funding for alternative transportation, and for identified costs arising from County services provided to undocumented individuals (similar to State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) funding but also for identified costs in the area of public health, safety, law, justice, social programs, etc.;
c) Receive a copy of CSAC's DRAFT Guiding Principles for 2005-2006 Pension Reform and consider the following recommendations (Attachment 3):
i. Endorse the DRAFT Guiding Principles without judgment on specific reform proposals;
ii. Request a presentation before the Board of Supervisors on the DRAFT Guiding Principles and specific reform proposals;
iii. Authorize the County Administrator to form a project team to prepare an analysis of CSAC's DRAFT Guiding Principles and Specific Reform Proposals to include an evaluation of the cost, savings, and efficacy of each;
d) Support AB 192 (Tran) Tort Claims Act. AB 192 would limit the liability of public entities in actions for injury to $250,000 per individual or $500,000 per occurrence (Attachment 4).
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