Consider recommendations regarding Lower Mission Creek Improvement and Restoration Project, Reach 2B Phase II Acquisition, District Project No. SC8042, First District, as follows:
Acting as Board of Directors, Flood Control and Water Conservations District:
a) Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute an Easement Purchase Agreement between the Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) and 317 Chapala Street, LLC., (Owner) for the purchase, for a total cost not to exceed $365,000.00 inclusive of relocation costs, of a permanent easement, permanent non-exclusive access and staging easement and temporary construction easement and agreement on a portion of real property located at 317 Chapala Street (County Assessor Parcel Number: 037-245-012) in connection with the Lower Mission Creek Improvement and Restoration Project, Reach 2B Phase II District Project No. SC8042;
b) Accept the Permanent Easement Deed, and Permanent Non-Exclusive Access and Staging Easement Deed conveying easement interests in the real property located at 317 Chapala Street (County Assessor Parcel Number 037-245-012) to the District and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the Certificates of Acceptance;
c) Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute a Temporary Construction Easement and Agreement between the District and Owner for the temporary use on a portion of the property located at 317 Chapala Street (County Assessor Parcel Number 037-245-012);
d) After considering the Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the Lower Mission Creek Flood Control Project, the Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations accepted by the Board of Directors as a Responsible Agency on May 10, 2011, and the discussion included herein, find that pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15162, no substantial changes are proposed, and there are no substantial changes in circumstances or new information of substantial importance regarding significant impacts or feasibility of mitigation measures and alternatives, and therefore the recommended actions are within the scope of the project covered by the aforementioned environmental documents and no new environmental document is required; and approve and direct staff to file the Notice of Determination on these bases.