The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors currently provides in-person participation as well as remote participation until further notice.
Board members and the public may participate from the County Administration Building, Board Hearing Room, Fourth Floor located at 105 East Anapamu Street in Santa Barbara or the Joseph Centeno Betteravia Government Administration Building Board Hearing Room located at 511 Lakeside Parkway in Santa Maria.
The following methods of participation are available to the public:
1. You may observe the live stream of the Board meetings in the following ways:
- Televised in English and Spanish (SAP channel via Comcast and Cox) on local cable channel 20;
- Online at: <https://www.countyofsb.org/1333/CSBTV-Livestream>; and
- YouTube (English) at: <https://www.youtube.com/user/CSBTV20> (Closed Captioning Available)
- YouTube (Spanish) at: <<https://www.youtube.com/@csbtv20espanol74>>
2. If you wish to provide public comment, the following methods are available:
- Distribution to the Board of Supervisors - Submit your comment via email prior to 5:00 PM on the day prior to the Board meeting. Please submit your comment to the Clerk of the Board at: sbcob@countyofsb.org. Your comment will be distributed to the Board and posted online. Whether the comment is formally part of the record depends on the agenda item it is submitted for and its length and time of submittal as set out in Board Resolution 91-333 (Land Use).
- Attend the Meeting In-Person - Individuals are allowed to attend and provide comments at the Board meeting in-person at the locations noted above.
- Attend the Meeting by Zoom - Individuals wishing to provide public comment remotely during the Board meeting can do so via Zoom by clicking the below link to register in advance.
Important Note: Zoom is not intended for County staff to view the meeting. Please refer to the viewing methods outlined above.
Register for Public Comment in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing important information about joining the webinar. Please review the Zoom protocols below, as follows:
1. Once the Chair has announced the item you want to comment on, please join the meeting.
2. You will be placed on mute until it is your turn to speak. You will be able to hear the Board meeting live after calling in and will need to turn off or mute your TV or the web stream to avoid sound interference.
3. The Clerk will call you by name. When removed from mute, you will hear a notification that your line has been unmuted. If you are using a touchtone phone, you may need to press *6.
4. Each person may address the Board for up to three minutes at the discretion of the Chair.
5. When your time is up or you have concluded your comments, please hang up or log out.
If you have any questions or if you are participating in the hearing telephonically or electronically and need a disability-related modification or accommodation or have any issues attempting to access the hearing, please contact the Clerk of the Board's Office at (805) 568-2240.