Consider recommendations regarding the 2012 Health Insurance Program Renewal, as follows:
a) Approve the renewal of the California State Association of Counties - Excess Insurance Authority (CSAC-EIA) Blue Shield Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) High, Blue Shield EPO Low, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), and High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) plans for a twelve-month term, at the existing benefit levels, and premium increases of 7.1%, effective January 1, 2012, for all active employees and retirees;
b) Approve the renewal of the Kaiser Permanente High and Low Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and Senior Advantage Plans, at existing benefit levels, with premium increases ranging between 8.1% - 11.4%, effective January 1, 2012, for all active employees and retirees for a twelve-month term;
c) Accept the annual Actuarial Report for the County Self-Funded Dental Plan, and continue the existing program benefits at the current premium levels, with no increase, effective January 1, 2012 for active employees and retirees for a twelve month period;
d) Approve the renewal of the existing Golden West Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO) plan, and continue the existing benefit levels, at the current premium levels, with no increase, for active employees and retirees for a twelve-month period, effective January 1, 2012;
e) Approve the renewal of the existing Vision Provider Plan and continue the existing benefit levels, at the current premium levels, with no increase, for active employees and retirees for a twelve-month period, effective January 1, 2012;
f) Approve the renewal of the CareCounsel Healthcare Assistance Program for all covered active employees and retirees with no increase to the current fee level, for a twelve-month period effective January 1, 2012;
g) Approve the renewal of the United Healthcare Medicare Risk HMO Health Plans for County of Santa Barbara retirees, at existing benefit levels, with a premium increase of 7.5% for a twelve-month period, effective January 1, 2012;
h) Approve and authorize the Interim Human Resources Director to execute any necessary administrative agreements and documents required to manage plans listed in recommendations (a) through (g) above; and
i) Authorize the Interim Human Resources Director to explore the possibility of extending the use of the On-site Employee Health Clinics, at no additional cost to the County, to spouses and/or dependents over the age of 16 years, of active employees who have a spouse and/or dependents over the age of 16 years, covered by any of the County sponsored Health Plans.