Consider recommendations regarding the 2010 Medical and Dental Insurance Program Renewal, as follows:
a) Regarding the CSAC-EIA Health Risk Pool, approve entering the California State Association of Counties Excess Insurance Authority (CSAC-EIA) Health risk sharing pool and the selection of Blue Shield of California Health Insurance offered through CSAC-EIA Health, as the County’s primary health insurance carrier to replace Aetna Inc. of California, and replace all existing Aetna medical plans for active employees and retirees, effective January 1, 2010, with premium rates fixed for the calendar year 2010 and with the plan designs, and authorize the Assistant CEO/Human Resources Director to execute any necessary documents with CSAC-EIA Health;
b) Regarding Kaiser Permanente HMO Health Plans, approve the renewal of the Kaiser Permanente High and Low HMO plans at existing benefit levels at a premium increase of 12.7% effective January 1, 2010 for all active employees and retirees for a twelve-month term;
c) Regarding the County Self-Funded Dental PPO Plan, accept the annual Actuarial Report for the County Self-Funded Dental Plan and continue the existing program benefits at the current premium levels effective January 1, 2010;
d) Regarding the Golden West Pacesetter Dental HMO Plan, approve the renewal of the existing Golden West Dental HMO plan and existing benefits at a premium increase of 8.5% for active employees and retirees for a twelve-month period effective January 1, 2010;
e) Regarding the CareCounsel Healthcare Assistance Program, approve the renewal of the CareCounsel Healthcare Assistance Program for all covered active employees at the current premium rate of $1.80 per month and covered retirees at the current premium rate of $2.90 per month, for a twelve-month period effective January 1, 2010; and
f) Regarding United Healthcare Secure Horizons Medicare Risk HMO Health Plans, approve the renewal of the United Healthcare Secure Horizons Medicare Risk HMO Health Plans for County of Santa Barbara retirees, effective January 1, 2010, for a one-year term and authorize Assistant CEO/Human Resources Director to execute any necessary documents.