HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding a Joint Hearing for Real Property Acquisition of 976 Embarcadero Del Mar, Isla Vista, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
Acting as the Board of Supervisors:
a) Conduct a hearing as required by Health & Safety Code Section 33679 for purchase of property located at 976 Embarcadero Del Mar, in Isla Vista, (Property);
b) Find that the acquisition of the Property by the County of Santa Barbara Redevelopment Agency (Agency) was evaluated in the Isla Vista Master Plan Environmental Impact Report (IVMP EIR) and pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15180 and 15162, no additional environmental review is required;
c) Adopt the County Resolution making findings required by California Health & Safety Code Sections 33445 and 33679 to use Redevelopment Agency funds to purchase the Property; and
d) Adopt the County Resolution making certain findings and approving the lease of approximately 3,600 square feet back to the seller, Saint Athanasius Orthodox Church (Church) as required by California Health & Safety Code Section 33433.
Acting as the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency:
e) Find that the acquisition of the Property by the Agency was evaluated in the IVMP EIR, and pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15180 and 15162, no additional environmental review is required;
f) Adopt the Agency Resolution making findings required by Health & Safety Code Sections 33445 and 33679 for the acquisition of the Property;
g) Adopt the Resolution of Intent to Purchase the Property from the Church;
h) Execute the Real Property Sale Contract and Escrow Instructions between the Agency and the Church to acquire the Property in the amount of $1,875,000, and authorize the Executive Officer, or designee, to initial various provisions therein on behalf of the Agency;
i) Authorize the Executive Director to extend escrow up to 60 additional days, if necessary to facilitate funding of the acquisition; and
j) Authorize the Executive Director to execute a four year Lease Agreement, with the County as Lessor, and the Church as Lessee, upon the successful close of escrow.
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