HEARING - Consider funding requests deferred from budget hearings and capital funding needs, as follows (EST. TIME 1 HR.):
a) Receive reports on the Strategic Reserve, department budget expansion items deferred from June Budget Hearings, and various capital project funding needs;
b) Receive a report on a proposed expansion of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) project at the Santa Ynez Airport to include the relocation and expansion of the Fire/Sheriff aircraft hangars at the airport, and allocate $2.5 million from the Strategic Reserve for this expanded project;
c) Conceptually approve moving the Clerk-Recorder-Assessor's Elections administration, processing and equipment warehousing from downtown Santa Barbara to the Calle Real Campus, on a site to be determined;
d) Approve using an anticipated State reimbursement of $1,075,000 for 2005 Special Election costs and $284,000 from the Strategic Reserve, a total of $1,359,000 as follows:
i) $100,000 to review location alternatives and develop a detailed cost estimate for a new Elections building at the Calle Real Campus;
ii) $442,000 to provide the balance of local funds needed to match State Proposition 42 funding owed for fiscal years 2003-04 and 2004-05;
iii) $517,000 of additional funding for the Santa Barbara Public Defender Office elevator, emergency exit and remodel;
iv) $50,000 to identify beach access alternatives near Lompoc;
v) $100,000 of additional funding for Santa Claus Lane beach access;
vi) $100,000 for Lompoc Veterans Building deferred maintenance; and
vii) Earmark $50,000 for ongoing maintenance of 200 acres of open space near the San Marcos Foothills Park (2nd District) scheduled to be transferred to the County later this year; and
e) Select one of the following options for the $80,500 budgeted for the deferred Spanish language translation and closed captioning of County TV broadcasts of Board meetings:
i) Fund these upgrades or, defer these upgrades and use the money to
ii) Fund the water quality assessment proposal ($90,000 annual cost), or
iii) Fund both proposals with part year allocations of $40,250 each.
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