Consider recommendations regarding a Sub-Lease Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and Rippan Property, LLC, Second District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the County Executive Office (CEO) to execute a Sub-Lease Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and Rippan Property, LLC, the Sub-Lessor upon assignment of the existing lease as referenced in the “Background” section of this Board Letter, for a $72,000.00 rentable-square-foot property located at 3845 State Street to serve as a possible COVID-19 Alternate Care Site, subject to the following:
i) The sublease includes an initial term of six (6) months and an option to extend the term of the Sublease for up to an additional eighteen (18) months beyond the end of the initial six-month term, exercisable in option terms of three (3) months each, on the same terms and conditions;
ii) Monthly rent consists of base rent plus a proportionate share of operating costs (triple net) which are estimated at $10,800.00 a month;
iii) The base rent increases from $21,600.00 a month to $25,200.00 upon commencement of tenant improvements and increases to $28,800/month upon occupancy; and
iv) The Sub-Lease Agreement is in a form substantially similar to the Lease Agreement with Rippan Property, LLC, and subject to concurrence from General Services, County Risk Management, County Counsel, and the Auditor-Controller;
b) Authorize the CEO to exercise the extension options of three months each, not to exceed eighteen (18) months past the initial six (6) month term referenced in the Sub-Lease Agreement upon County CEO determination that the extension option is still necessary in order to respond to the pandemic; and
c) Determine that the proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines CEQA Guidelines Section 15269, finding that the action is necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency, and direct staff to file a Notice of Exemption on that basis.