HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Policy Direction - Establishment of a Pilot Project Stabilization Agreement for the Northern Branch Jail AB 900 Phase II Project, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Receive and file a report on status of signatures to draft PSA document;
b) If 100% of the signatures are obtained , and your Board wishes to pursue a Pilot PSA for the Northern Branch Jail Project, AB 900 Phase II; then:
i) Make findings that a Pilot PSA furthers a legitimate governmental interest consistent with competitive bidding law by preventing costly Project delays, assuring contractors access to skilled labor, and avoiding the potential for labor strife during the life of the project; if finding made; then:
ii) Approve a revision to the draft PSA (Article 20) that allowed for resignatures of the affiliates after the October 1 deadline; and
iii) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Pilot Project Stabilization Agreement for the Northern Branch Jail AB 900 Phase II Project; or
c) Alternatively, if less than 100% of the signatures are obtained, and your Board wishes to pursue a Pilot PSA for the Northern Branch Jail AB 900 Phase II Project; then:
i) Make findings that a Pilot PSA furthers a legitimate governmental interest consistent with competitive bidding law by preventing costly Project delays, assuring contractors access to skilled labor, and reducing the potential for labor strife during the life of the project; if finding made; then:
ii) Approve a revision to the draft PSA (Article 20) that allowed for resignatures of the affiliates after the October 1 deadline; and
iii) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Pilot Project Stabilization Agreement for the Northern Branch Jail AB 900 Phase II Project; or
If your Board wishes not to move forward with a Pilot PSA at this time for the Northern Branch Jail AB 900 Phase II Project; then:
d) Direct staff to move forward utilizing the Board's previously approved Joint Labor Compliance Program in lieu of the Pilot PSA; or
e) Direct staff to move forward utilizing the Board's previously approved Joint Labor Compliance Program in lieu of the Pilot PSA and begin work to present the Board with a draft Pilot PSA for the SB1022 component of the Northern Branch Jail Project, or other future project; and
f) Find that the proposed action does not constitute a "Project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to 14 CCR 15378(b)(5), in that it is a government administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment.