File #: 08-00197    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 2/25/2008 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 3/18/2008 Final action: 3/18/2008
Title: HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Goleta Community Plan Update (GPA08-00000-00001): Selecting the Provisional Goleta Planning Area, and a General Plan Amendment/Rezone Procedure, Second and Third Districts, as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS.) a) Adopt a resolution to: Select the provisional planning area recommended by the Planning Commission and staff for the Goleta Community Plan (GCP) update, which would create two planning zones, as follows: - Zone 1 is the Third District portion of the GCP Area, including Isla Vista. All policies, standards, zoning, actions, and overlays adopted for the area as part of the 1993 Goleta Community Plan would remain unchanged. The County would not consider any land use policy changes for Zone 1. - Zone 2 is coterminous with the unincorporated Second District and the Eastern Goleta Valley boundary identified in the 2006 Goleta Visioning Committee vision document. All policies, standards, zoning, actions, and overlays would be rev...
Attachments: 1. Board Letter/ Attachments, 2. Presentation 3/18/08, 3. Letter - Nelson Law Firm, 4. Letter - Cavaletto Family, 5. Memorandum 3/6/08


HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Goleta Community Plan Update (GPA08-00000-00001): Selecting the Provisional Goleta Planning Area, and a General Plan Amendment/Rezone Procedure, Second and Third Districts, as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS.)


a) Adopt a resolution to:


Select the provisional planning area recommended by the Planning Commission and staff for the Goleta Community Plan (GCP) update, which would create two planning zones, as follows:


- Zone 1 is the Third District portion of the GCP Area, including Isla Vista. All policies, standards, zoning, actions, and overlays adopted for the area as part of the 1993 Goleta Community Plan would remain unchanged. The County would not consider any land use policy changes for Zone 1.


- Zone 2 is coterminous with the unincorporated Second District and the Eastern Goleta Valley boundary identified in the 2006 Goleta Visioning Committee vision document. All policies, standards, zoning, actions, and overlays would be reviewed, evaluated, and updated in Zone 2 during the GCP update planning process;


Suspend rezones and general plan amendments within Zone #2 of the recommended planning area until the Board of Supervisors adopts the updated Goleta Community Plan, unless the Planning Commission determines a project to be a public benefit.


Allow rezone applications which are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan to be considered.


Allow the following cases currently being considered by the County to continue to be considered:


- The pending More Mesa Biological Resource Study (Case# 07CNS-00000-00116), which may result in a rezone and/or general plan amendment, authorized under the Goleta Community Plan;


- The Cavaletto/Noel Housing Project (Case #01GPA-00000-00009)


Allow the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors to reconsider this procedure if the updated Goleta Community Plan is not adopted within three (3) years of the adoption.


b) Accept the CEQA exemption and findings pursuant to Section 15306 of State Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for selecting a provisional boundary for the update of the Goleta Community Plan and approving a procedure to restrict rezones and/or general plan amendments within a portion of the provisional Goleta Planning Area.




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