Consider recommendations regarding Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services (ADMHS) pharmacy Board Contract and extension of bid waiver, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute an Agreement for Services of Independent Contractor with Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy of Santa Barbara (a local vendor) to continue to provide pharmaceuticals for ADMHS clients for a total contract maximum amount not to exceed $200,000.00 through September 30, 2015, inclusive of $100,000.00 under Purchase Order No. CN16934, but which otherwise cancels, nullifies, and supersedes Purchase Order No. CN16934;
b) Approve, ratify, and authorize an extension of the waiver of competitive bidding approved May 20, 2014 for the procurement of pharmaceuticals from Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy (a local vendor), to authorize additional procurements not to exceed $200,000.00 through September 30, 2015; and
c) Determine that these activities are exempt from California Environmental Quality Act review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5) since the recommended actions are government administrative activities which do not involve commitment to any specific project which may result in potentially significant physical impact on the environment.