Consider recommendations regarding an Ordinance, Case No. 14ORD-00000-00003, which amends Article V, Planning and Zoning, of Chapter 2, Administration, of the County Code, to update the procedures regarding appointing members of the North Board of Architectural Review, as follows:
a) Consider the adoption (second reading) of an Ordinance, Case No. 14ORD-00000-00003, amending Article V, Planning and Zoning, of Chapter 2, Administration, of the County Code;
b) Waive full reading into the record of an Ordinance amending Article V, Planning and Zoning, of Chapter 2, Administration, of the County Code; and
c) Determine that the adoption of this Ordinance is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act in compliance with Sections 15061(b)(3) of the Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA.