Consider recommendations regarding the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services (ADMHS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-2016 Department of Health Care Services - Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Agreement, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
a) Approve and authorize the Director of ADMHS to execute a $70,000.00 Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) Agreement for an eight-month extension of an existing grant program with the California State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), to implement community level prevention strategies for the period of September 29, 2015 through May 31, 2016;
b) Approve and authorize the Director of ADMHS to execute any and all other documents required by the State DHCS to carry out the SPF SIG Agreement, including the Contract certifications, and any subsequent amendments that do not change the amount or term of the grant;
c) Approve a Budget Revision Request (BRR No. 0004207) increasing appropriations of $70,000.00 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-2016 in the ADMHS Alcohol and Drug Funds for Salaries and Benefits ($21,246.00) and Services and Supplies ($48,754.00) funded by unanticipated revenue of $70,000.00 the California State Department of Health Care Services.
d) Determine that these activities are exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5) since the recommended actions are government administrative activities which do not involve commitment to any specific project which may result in potentially significant physical impact on the environment.