HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the County of Santa Barbara Poverty Initiative and Assessment, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
a) Accept a contribution from The Santa Barbara Foundation in the amount of $30,000.00, subject to the conditions stated, for the purpose of funding a countywide poverty impact assessment, and approve a Budget Revision Request; (4/5 Vote Required)
b) Direct staff to return to the Board in mid 2012 to report on the results of the poverty impact assessment and provide recommendations of priorities and strategies to more efficiently and effectively allocate social safety-net resources; and
c) Determine, pursuant to 14 CCR 15378(b)(4) and 15378(b)(5), that the above actions do not constitute approval of a project subject to CEQA review, because they are a funding mechanism that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes to the environment.