Consider recommendations regarding Post-Litigation Action, in compliance with Superior Court’s Peremptory Writ of Mandate, filed April 23, 2009, on County approval of the Ballantyne Residence, located at 500 Farren Road in the Goleta area, Third District, as follows:
a) Withdraw, rescind and vacate the Board of Supervisors’ approval of the project owned and proposed by Lynn Ballantyne as evidenced by a Coastal Development, Land Use Permit and/or Appeal (Case Numbers 05LUP-00000-00611, 08CDP-00000-00006 and 06APL-00000-00045) and its adoption of the Proposed Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (Environmental Document Number 08NGD-00000-00014); and
b) Direct the Planning and Development Department to prepare a focused Environmental Impact Report on aesthetics and visual impacts of the project looking south toward the project from Farren Road, unless the applicant, Lynn Ballantyne, withdraws her application, subject to the applicant paying all staff and consultant costs associated with...