HEARING - Consider the appeal of Robert Kooyman, agent for the owner Pinecliff Homeowners Association, of the Zoning Administrator's December 2, 2002 decision to approve a Coastal Development Permit with Hearing (02CDH-00000-00021) to validate the unpermitted removal of a previously existing Monterey Cypress Tree from the County Road Right-of-Way, with a condition to require installation of a replacement 48" box Monterey Cypress tree, located at 1500 Miramar Beach (APN 009-420-CA) Montecito area, First District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Adopt the required findings for the project specified in the Zoning Administrator Action Letter, dated December 3, 2002;
b) Deny the above referenced appeal (03APL-00000-00001), thereby upholding the Zoning Administrator's approval of the Coastal Development Permit with Hearing 02CDH-00000-00021;
c) Grant de novo approval of the Coastal Development Permit with Hearing 02CDH-00000-00021 included in the Zoning Administrator Staff Report dated October 24, 2002, subject to the conditions of approval included in the Zoning Administrator Action Letter dated December 3, 2002.
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