HEARING - Acting as the Board of Directors, Santa Barbara County Redevelopment Agency: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
Consider recommendations regarding the adoption of the Five-Year Implementation Plan covering 2012-2016 for the Isla Vista Redevelopment Project Area, Third District, as follows:
a) Receive and file the 2012-2016 Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Isla Vista Project Area Redevelopment Plan as required under Health and Safety Code Section 33490;
b) Determine that the Five-Year Implementation Plan is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act in compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 33490(a)(1)(b) and Section 15378(b) (4), and (5) of the Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA; and
c) Adopt a Resolution approving and adopting the 2012-2016 Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Isla Vista Redevelopment Project Area.