HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the County of Santa Barbara’s Exclusive Franchise Agreements for Solid Waste Collection, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Districts, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Approve the following Subcommittee recommendations:
i) Approve franchise agreement term limits of 8 years with an expiration date of June 30, 2019 for franchises now under consideration in Zones 2, 4 and 5;
ii) Approve requiring a minimum of 2 service providers in the County unincorporated area, which will require a future amendment to County Code Chapter 17;
iii) Approve reconfiguring the service areas, Zones 4 and 5, in the North County;
iv) Approve maintaining the current Zone 2 boundaries on the South Coast and cooperating with the City of Goleta in the procurement process to the extent possible; and
v) Approve competitive procurement paths for both the northern and southern service areas that limit competition to the 3 existing service providers, Allied Industries, MarBorg Industries, and Waste Management; and
b) Direct the Solid Waste Franchise Project Team to incorporate these recommendations into the procurement process and return to the Board in the summer of 2010 with Request For Proposals for solid waste collection.