Consider recommendations regarding alterations to the Naomi Schwartz Building for Flood Control Project No. 8719, as follows:
a) Direct staff to prepare applicable documents to account for the costs paid by the Flood Control District and the Resource Recovery and Waste Management Enterprise Fund for the Naomi Schwartz Building;
b) Approve the plans and specifications for the alterations to the Naomi Schwartz Building for the Flood Control District, Project 8719;
c) Find that the project is categorically exempt from CEQA under 14 CCR 15301, as it consists of maintenance, repair, and minor alteration of an existing public structure with no or negligible expansion of use and approve the filing of a Notice of Exemption; and
d) Authorize the Director of General Services to advertise for construction bids for alterations to the Naomi Schwartz Building for Flood Control, Project 8719.