Consider recommendations regarding a First Amendment to the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program Grant Agreement (No. 122-20), Fiscal Years (FYs) 2020-2023, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
a) Approve and authorize the County Executive Officer, or designee, to execute on behalf of the County, the First Amendment to the CESF Program Grant Agreement (No. 122-20) with the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) for a one-time, no-cost extension of the Grant Agreement for an additional year with no change to the grant award of $571,122.87 for the period of March 31, 2021, through January 31, 2023;
b) Direct the Director of the Department of Behavioral Wellness to return to the Board if subsequent amendments to the CESF Grant Agreement are required;
c) Delegate authority to the Director of the Department of Behavioral Wellness, or designee, to act on behalf of the County in the implementation of the CESF Program, subject to the Board’s ability to modify or rescind this delegated authority at any time;
d) Approve Budget Revision Request No. 0008014 for FY 2021-2022 to increase appropriations of $380,748.00 in the Behavioral Wellness Mental Health Services Fund for Salaries and Employee Benefits ($100,645.00) and Services and Supplies ($280,103.00), funded by unanticipated, unspent FY 2020-2021 revenue from the CESF grant award; and
e) Determine that the above actions are government fiscal activities or funding mechanisms which do not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment and are therefore not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15378(b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines.