HEARING - Consider the recommendation of the County Planning Commission to amend the County's Environmental Thresholds and Guidelines Manual by revising thresholds of significance to guide the County's environmental analysis of cultural resources of a project subject to CEQA, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Make the required findings for approval of the proposed amendment, including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings;
b) Determine the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guideline Sections 15308 and 15378(b) of CEQA; and
c) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the Board of Supervisors adopt Case No. 17ORD-00000-00017, amending the County of Santa Barbara's Environmental Thresholds and Guidelines Manual, by revising thresholds of significance to guide the County's environmental analysis of cultural resources of a project subject to CEQA.