Consider recommendations regarding City of Santa Barbara (City), County Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to support the Administration of County funded parking permits within the City public parking facilities No. 6 and No. 7 pursuant to a State mandated obligation to provide 81 parking spaces for the Superior Court of California, First District, as follows:
a) Approve, ratify and authorize the Chair to execute the MOU between the City and the County of Santa Barbara (County) for the purposes of providing parking permit applications for Superior Court employees within City controlled parking facilities; and
b) Determine that the above recommended actions are exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5), because of the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. An MOU is not a project under CEQA.