Consider recommendations regarding a Coastal Resource Mitigation Fund (CRMF) Grant Contract for Gaviota Overlook Property Acquisition, Third District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the CRMF contract with The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County (Land Trust), in the amount of $500,000.00, to help fund Land Trust’s purchase of approximately 48 acres known as the “Gaviota Overlook Property,” also known as Simon Ranch, APN: 081-150-028, located immediately west of and adjacent to the Arroyo Hondo Preserve and north of Highway 101;
b) Approve and authorize the Director of Planning and Development, or designee, to take the following actions for the CRMF contract:
i) Extend performances in accordance with Section 6 of the contract, for up to and not to exceed a period of one year for good cause;
ii) Approve project changes in accordance with Section 9 of the contact, including any change to the project description, any reduction in the overall project budget, or any change in budget items of 10% percent or more; and
iii) Terminate the contract in accordance with Section 15 of the contact; and
c) Determine that the allocations of the CRMF grant is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15378(b)(5) of the State Guidelines for the implementation of CEQA.