Consider recommendations regarding the authorization of a Professional Services Contract with Impact Sciences, Inc., to prepare a revised Environmental Impact Report for the Paradiso del Mare Ocean and Inland Estates Project, Third District, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
a) Approve and authorize a Professional Services Contract with Impact Sciences, Inc. (not a local contractor) to prepare a revised Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Paradiso del Mare Ocean and Inland Estates Project for the period August 10, 2011 through September 28, 2012 in an amount not to exceed $273,970.00, which includes a base cost of $228,310.00 as proposed by the contractor and a 20 percent contingency cost of $45,660.00 as requested by the applicant, CPD Dos Pueblos Associates; and
b) Approve a Budget Revision Request to appropriate funds for this Contract. This increase is offset with revenue from the project applicant, CPD Dos Pueblos Associates.