Consider recommendations regarding construction of Rincon Hill Road Bridge No. 51C-0039 over Rincon Creek Seismic Gate System Project, Federal Project BRLOZE-5951(118), County Project No. 830408, First District, as follows:
a) Approve plans and specifications for the Construction of Rincon Hill Road Bridge No. 51C-0039 over Rincon Creek Seismic Gate System Project, Federal Project BRLOZE-5951(118), County Project No. 830408, on file in the Public Works Department office;
b) Award the construction contract in the base amount of $437,775.00 to the lowest responsible bidder, Granite Construction Company, P.O. Box 6744, Santa Barbara, CA 93160 (a local vendor), subject to the provision of documents and certifications, as set forth in the plans and specifications applicable to the project, as required under California Law;
c) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a construction contract, which has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel, Auditor-Controller and Risk Manager, or their authorized representatives;
d) Authorize the Director of Public Works or designee to order the performance of itemized supplemental work, as provided in the construction contract, in the amount not to exceed $10,400.00 for the Construction of Rincon Hill Road Bridge No. 51C-0039 over Rincon Creek Seismic Gate System Project, Federal Project BRLOZE-5951(118), County Project No. 830408;
e) Authorize the Director of Public Works or designee to approve changes or additions to the work being performed under the construction contract in an amount not to exceed $34,388.75 for the Construction of Rincon Hill Road Bridge No. 51C-0039 over Rincon Creek Seismic Gate System Project, Federal Project BRLOZE-5951(118), County Project No. 830408; and
f) Determine that the Rincon Hill Road Bridge No. 51C-0039 Seismic Gate Project was found by your Board to be exempt from the provisions of California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15301 on Ma...
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