Consider recommendations regarding Mobile Home Rent Control, as follows:
a) Approve the appointment of the following qualified candidates to the County of Santa Barbara's List of Prospective Mobile Home Rent Control Arbitrators:
Monty H. Amyx, Attorney at Law
Stephen M. Biersmith, Attorney at Law
Norman J. Colavincenzo, CPA
Paul M. Doran, Attorney at Law
Emil Kim, Attorney at Law
Richard C. Solomon, Attorney at Law
b) Approve the reappointment of the following qualified candidates to the County of Santa Barbara's List of Prospective Mobile Home Rent Control Arbitrators:
Robert Ahlstrand, CPA
Pamela Allman, CPA
Paul Fritz, Attorney at Law
Steven Kirby, Attorney at Law
John G. Traller, CPA
Alvin Walker, CPA
c) Direct County Counsel to revise and update the Mobile Home Rent Control Rules for Hearing for Board consideration.
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