HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding an appeal filed by Craig Geyer, Case No. 11APL-00000-00027, of the Planning Commission’s December 7, 2011 approval of the Santa Barbara Student Housing Cooperative Change of Use located at 777 Camino Pescadero in the Isla Vista area, APN 075-020-037, Case Nos. 10DVP-00000-00019, 10CUP-00000-00033 and 10CDP-00000-00082, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.)
a) Deny the appeal, Case No. 11APL-00000-00027, thereby upholding the County Planning Commission’s approval of the project;
b) Make the required findings for the project, including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings;
c) Determine the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 of the State Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, as specified in the Notice of Exemption;
d) Approve de novo the Development Plan for the proposed student housing facility, 10DVP-00000-00019, subject to the conditions included in the Conditions of Approval, including Development Plan modifications to the setback regulations to allow a trash enclosure in the rear setback, a storage shed and a covered bicycle parking structure in the front setback north of the existing building, and two uncovered bicycle racks in the front setback east of the existing building;
e) Approve de novo the Minor Conditional Use Permit for the proposed meeting room for non-profit organizations, 10CUP-00000-00033, subject to the conditions included in the Conditions of Approval, including Conditional Use Permit modifications to the parking regulations to allow a parking space in the front setback north of the existing building, to the requirement that specific off-site parking spaces be “permanently dedicated” to residents of the proposed student housing facility, and to increase the allowed maximum distance between the proposed student housing facility and off-site parking spaces from 500 feet to approximately 700 to 2,300 feet; ...
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