HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding revisions to the Oak Tree Preservation and Regeneration Program and initiation of an Agricultural Resources/Baseline Condition Study, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1HR. 15 MIN.)
a) Approve revisions to the text amendments initiated July 26, 2005, to the Oak Tree Protection and Regeneration Ordinance (Article IX of Chapter 35 of the County Code);
b) Retain previous Board initiation of amendments to the Oak Tree Protection and Regeneration Ordinance (Article IX of Chapter 35 of the County Code) and Grading Ordinance (Chapter 14) to include "Program Clean-Up Items" and move the existing Grading Guidelines for Native Oak Tree Removal from Appendix A of the Grading Ordinance to the Oak Tree Protection and Regeneration Ordinance;
c) Authorize and approve funding of an Agricultural Resources/Baseline Condition Study describing baseline conditions, threats, and impacts to agriculture that can be incorporated into program and project EIRs concerning agriculture, including proposed revisions to the County's Grading Ordinance; and
d) Authorize execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with appellants in Center for Environmental Equality et al. v. County, Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Cook Division, Case No. 01128385, for dismissal of the Appeal of the judgment in favor of County immediately upon the Board of Supervisors taking the actions identified in a); b); and c) above.
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