HEARING - Consider the request of James Dierberg for the Investors of America Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Consistency Rezone and Agricultural Preserve Contract, (Case Nos. 99-GP-005, 99-RZ-005, and 99-AP-008)located off Happy Canyon Road (APN 145-070-048), between Goat Rock and De La Guerra Springs, Santa Ynez area, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.)
a) Accept the Planning Commission recommendations and approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Consistency Rezone, Case Nos. 99-GP-005, 99-RZ-005, as follows:
i. Adopt the required findings for the project specified in Attachment A of the staff report dated June 7, 2002, including CEQA findings;
ii. Accept the exemption, included as Attachment B of the staff report dated June 7, 2002, pursuant to CEQA Section 15061(b)(3);
iii. Adopt a resolution (Attachment A to the Board Letter dated October 8, 2002) to designate the subject property as Agriculture II, 100 acres minimum parcel size (A-II-100) on the Comprehensive Plan (Case No. 99-GP-005), and approve Case No. 99-GP-005 and;
iv. Adopt an ordinance (Attachment B to the Board Letter dated October 8, 2002) to rezone the subject property as AG-II-100 (Case No. 99-RZ-005) under the Article III Zoning Ordinance, and approve Case No. 99-RZ-005.
b) Approve the creation of a new prime Agricultural Preserve Contract, as follows:
i. Accept the exemption, (Attachment C to the Board Letter dated October 8, 2002) pursuant to CEQA Section 15317;
ii. Approve an agreement, (Attachment D to the Board Letter dated October 8, 2002) creating Agricultural Preserve, 99-AP-008;
iii. Adopt a resolution (Attachment F to the Board Letter dated October 8, 2002) creating Agricultural Preserve, 99-AP-008.
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