Consider recommendations regarding the Santa Maria Court Clerks Building, County Project No. 8526, Fifth District, as follows:
a) Reject all bids from the bid opening on Tuesday, February 16, 2010;
b) Find that Trend IQ (successor to Novar IQ with interface capabilities with Novar Logic One) HVAC Direct Digital Controls and software are designated by specific brand name in the bid documents for the purpose of matching other HVAC Controls in use at the Santa Maria Court Facility;
c) Approve the plans and specifications to construct an 18,650 square foot office building to house the Santa Maria Court Clerks, with an estimated construction cost of $3.7 million;
d) Authorize the Director of General Services to re-advertise for construction bids for the Santa Maria Court Clerks Building Project; and
e) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No.2, in the amount of $2,700.00, to the Professional Services Agreement with Ravatt Albrecht & Associates Inc. (a local vendor) for design changes associated with the Santa Maria Court Clerks Building, County Project No. 8526, which brings the total fee to $199,654.00 including reimbursable expenses.