Consider recommendations regarding Amendment No. 1 to the Contract for the Betteravia Building "C" HVAC Replacement Project No. T02005, Fifth District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No.1 to the Contract with Smith Electric Service, Inc. DBA Brannon, Inc. (a local vendor) for the Betteravia Building "C" HVAC Replacement project, increasing the total contract value to $634,322.00 to cover an additional $29,289.00 in additional scope; and
b) Find that pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15301(a), (d), the project consists of maintenance, repair, and alteration of an existing public structure with no expansion and, therefore, the added scope is within the categorical exemption of the original contract approved by the board for this project on September 06, 2011 and, therefore, no new environmental document is required.