HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Rice Agricultural Produce Cooling and Processing Facility, located at the intersection of Betteravia Road and Rosemary Road, in the Santa Maria Valley Area, Fifth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Adopt the required findings for the project specified in the Planning Commission Staff Report dated April 25, 2008, including CEQA findings;
b) Approve Accept the Addendum to the Uniform Rules Environmental Impact Report (04- EIR-08) pursuant to the State Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. The original ER identified significant effects on the environment in the following categories: Aesthetics, Agricultural Resources/Land Use, Air Quality, Groundwater, Noise, and Traffic/Circulation. The application involves AP No. 128-096-001, -004, and -005 as specified in the Planning Commission Staff Report dated April 25, 2008, as amended by the Planning Commission during its regular meeting of May 14, 2008;
c) Approve Adopt the Zoning Map Amendment O6RZN-00000-00005 to change the existing zoning designation for the 244.4 acres gross, 237.8 acres net, site commonly known as APN numbers 128-096-001, 128-096-004, and 128-096-005 from the AG-II-100 (Agriculture with 100 acre minimum parcel size) zone district to the AG-II-40 (Agriculture with 40 acre minimum parcel size) zone district; and the associated Zoning Map Amendment Ordinance;
d) Approve the Tentative Parcel Map O6TPM-00000-00019 in accordance with County Code Chapter 21 to subdivide an existing 244.4 acres gross, 237.8 acres net, site commonly know as APN numbers 128-096-00 1, 128-096-004, and 128-096-005 into three separate legal parcels ranging from 40.0 acres gross to 122.8 acres gross subject to the conditions specified in the Planning Commission Staff Report dated April 25, 2008, as amended by the Planning Commission during its regular meeting of May 14, 2008;
e) Approve the Development Plan O6DVP-0000...
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