HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the confirmation of emergency Rule No. 2 temporarily suspending County Code Chapter 35 Zoning Regulations and Permit Restrictions, including conditions of approval, on wineries and wine tasting rooms serving food, as long as compliant with state laws regulating retail food and alcohol and state and local directives regarding reopening of businesses, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
a) Pursuant to Santa Barbara County Code section 12-5(b)(1), confirm Emergency Rule No. 2 that the Director of Emergency Services issued on May 25, 2020, temporarily suspending Chapter 35 permit restrictions, including conditions of approval, and any zoning development standards or regulations that otherwise prohibit or limit wineries and wine tasting rooms from serving food, as long as compliant with State law regulating retail food and alcohol and local directives regarding reopening of businesses. Emergency Rule No. 2 is in effect until: 1) December 16, 2020; or 2) the proclaimed Santa Barbara County Local Emergency from the COVID-19 virus is terminated; or 3) superseded by the adoption of amendments to the County Zoning Ordinances by the Board of Supervisors, whichever is earlier;
b) Determine that confirmation of Emergency Rule No. 2 is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15269(c), 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c); and
c) Waive the Notice of Exemption 6-day posting requirement for good cause pursuant to County CEQA Guidelines section V.D.2.