Consider recommendations regarding a Traffic Nuisance Abatement and Tree Removal on Clubhouse Road, APN 097-371-067 (Lot 54), Third District, as follows:
a) Receive and file a report of the road commissioner and any objections thereto, regarding the traffic nuisance that exists on Clubhouse Road, APN 097-371-067 (Lot 54), due to dead and dying Monterey Pine trees;
b) Declare that a traffic nuisance threatens to impair the safe use of the public right-of-way on Clubhouse Road, Lot 54, caused by dead Monterey Pine trees and dead limbs on adjacent Monterey Pine trees;
c) Direct the Road Commissioner to abate the traffic nuisance by entering private property, removing 30 dead Monterey Pine trees and removing the dead limbs from other Monterey Pine trees that overhang the roadway easement along Clubhouse Road, APN 097-371-067 (Lot 54), and recover the costs of such abatement from Clubhouse Estates Homeowners Association;
d) Authorize the Road Commissioner to expend Road Fund monies to abate the traffic nuisance, and to utilize a contractor for the work required;
e) Direct the Road Commissioner to keep an account of all expenses incurred in abating the traffic nuisance on Clubhouse Road, APN 097-371-067 (Lot 54), owned by Clubhouse Estates Homeowners Association, and file a report thereof with the Board of Supervisors upon completion; and
f) Determine that this action is exempt for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Section 15304 of the Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA and direct Staff to file the Notice of Exemption.