Consider recommendations regarding the Orcutt Community Plan Flood Control Basin "B" and Bradley-Solomon Trunk Sewer Line Extension, Fourth District, as follows:
a) Approve addenda to the Orcutt Community Plan Program EIR, 95-EIR-01 dated July 29, 2004, Mesa Verde Residential Project (TM 14,303/93-DPF-011) addendum dated July 7, 1999, Jensen's Crossing/ Cobblestone Crossing subdivision (TM 14,429/97-DP-018) addendum dated December 1, 1999, and Harp Springs (TM 14,478/98-DP-017/98-RN-010) dated April 2, 2002;
b) Find that the addenda to the previously certified Orcutt Community Plan Program EIR (95-EIR-01) are adequate and appropriate for the Regional Retention Basin "B", recreational trails and Bradley-Solomon sewer line extension under CEQA section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines section 15164, since only minor technical changes or additions are necessary and none of the conditions described in CEQA section 21166 or CEQA Guidelines section 15162 have occurred;
c) Authorize staff to proceed with negotiations with the property owner for the acquisition of easements for off-site improvements related to the Regional Retention Basin "B" and related trails as identified in the Orcutt Community Plan as set forth in the Cooperative Agreement executed between the County of Santa Barbara, Laguna County Sanitation District, and Wellmack, LLC;
d) Authorize staff to proceed with negotiations with the property owners for the acquisition of easements for off-site improvements related to the Bradley-Solomon Trunk Sewer line extension as set forth in the Cooperative Agreement executed between the County of Santa Barbara, Laguna County Sanitation District, and Wellmack, LLC.
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