Consider recommendations regarding a First Amendment to the Revocable License Agreements for UNAVCO Inc. GPS Sites Located at the Tajiguas Landfill and Point Sal, (R/P Files Nos.: 000141 and 000156), Third and Fourth Districts, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the First Amendment to the Revocable License Agreement with UNAVCO Inc. for a global positioning system (hereinafter “GPS Site”) located in the unincorporated area of the County of Santa Barbara, State of California, described as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 081-150-019, 081-150-026 and 081-150-042, and commonly known as the Tajiguas Landfill;
b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the First Amendment to the Revocable License Agreement with UNAVCO Inc. for a GPS Site located in the unincorporated area of the County of Santa Barbara, State of California, described as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 113-160-007 and 113-160-008, and commonly known as Point Sal; and
c) Determine that the proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, pursuant to Section 15301, Existing Facilities, and Section 15261, Ongoing Project; and approve and direct staff to file and post a Notice of Exemption on that basis.