HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Las Varas Ranch Project, Case Nos. 05TPM-00000-00002, 05LLA-00000-00005, 05LLA-00000-00006, 07RZN-00000-00006, 07RZN-00000-00007, 07CUP-00000-00057, 11COC-00000-00001, 11CDP-00000-00078, with applications involving APNs 079-080-001, 079-080-002, 079-080-009, 079-080-012, 079-080-013, 079-080-014, 079-080-022, and 081-240-003 and 081-240-014 (retired to 081-240-049), for a total of 1,784 acres located at 10045 Calle Real in the Gaviota area, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS.)
a) Consider the Planning Commission's recommendations, as follows:
i) Determine whether the burden imposed by the project applications warrants exaction of an east west coastal trail alignment south of Highway 101;
ii) If the exaction is warranted, direct staff to prepare additional environmental review of potential trail alignments, recirculate the document as necessary, and return to the Planning Commission for a full recommendation on the project applications; and
iii) If the exaction is not warranted, refer the project back to the Planning Commission for a full recommendation on the project applications; and
b) Provide other direction to staff and/or the Planning Commission concerning the project.