City of Carpinteria - Approve the requests of the City of Carpinteria, as follows:
a) Call for the holding of a General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 for the election of certain officers as required by the provisions of the laws of the State of California relating to General Law Cities and for the submission to the voters a question relating to whether to impose a one and a quarter percent (1.25%) local transactions and use tax (Local Sales Tax), superseding and replacing Resolution No. 5795;
b) Consolidate a general municipal election to be held on November 6, 2018 with the Statewide General Municipal Election to be held on that date pursuant to Section 10403 of the Elections Code, superseding and replacing Resolution No. 5796; and
c) Set priorities for filing written argument(s) regarding a City revenue measure submitted at the November 6, 2018 General Municipal Election relating to imposing a one and a quarter percent (1.25%) local transaction and use tax (Local Sales Tax), and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis, superseding and replacing Resolution No. 5798.