HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding approval of the Third Amendment to a Lease with Ellwood Pipeline, Inc., in County Submerged Lands, Offshore Carpinteria, First District (R/P File No.: 003657), as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Third Amendment to a Lease Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and Ellwood Pipeline, Inc., a subsidiary of Venoco, LLC., for Ellwood’s continued use of two existing submerged oil and gas pipelines in the offshore county boundaries of Carpinteria; for an extended term of eighteen (18) months, beginning March 27, 2017, and ending September 26, 2018; and
b) Determine that the proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, pursuant to Section 15301, Existing Facilities, and Section 15261, Ongoing Project; and approve and direct staff to file and post the Notice of Exemption on that basis.