Consider recommendations regarding a Job Order Contracts Authorization to Award, as follows:
a) Approve the plans and specifications for the Job Order Contracts on file with General Services Capital Projects and Public Works, including but not limited to the Job Order Contracting Technical Specifications;
b) Award, authorize and direct the Chair to execute, General Building Construction Job Order Contract (JOC) A to Newton Construction (a tri-county vendor), the lowest responsible bidder with an Award Criteria Figure (ACF) composite adjustment factor of 0.9238;
c) Award, authorize and direct the Chair to execute, General Building Construction Job Order Contract (JOC) B to Vernon Edwards Constructors, Inc. (a Santa Barbara County vendor), the next lowest responsible bidder with an Award Criteria Figure (ACF) composite adjustment factor of 0.9620;
d) Award, authorize and direct the Chair to execute, Paving, Concrete Maintenance and Repair Job Order Contract (JOC) C to Vernon Edwards Constructors, Inc. (a Santa Barbara County vendor), the lowest responsible bidder with an Award Criteria Figure (ACF) composite adjustment factor of 0.9620;
e) Award, authorize and direct the Chair to execute, Paving, Concrete Maintenance and Repair Job Order Contract (JOC) D to R. Burke Corporation (a tri-county vendor), the next lowest responsible bidder with an Award Criteria Figure (ACF) composite adjustment factor of 0.9700;
f) Authorize the Director of General Services and the Public Works Director, or their designees, to order and award individual job orders, and to take any action in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 20128.5 with respect to job order contracting; and
g) Find that on July 19, 2016, the Board determined the proposed actions were administrative or other fiscal activities that do not involve commitment to any specific project, and therefore not a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 CCR Section 15378(...
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