Consider recommendations regarding Maria Ygnacio Creek Main Branch and East Branch Debris Basin Modification Project, and Maria Ygnacio Creek Main Branch Future Post-Fire Mitigation Debris Rack Project, Second District, as follows:
Acting as the Board of Directors, Flood Control and Water Conservation District:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a Statement of Final Quantities for work performed and materials supplied for the Maria Ygnacio Creek Main Branch and East Branch Debris Basin Modification Project by the contractor Union Engineering Company (a tri-county vendor), in the amount of $687,449.76;
b) Approve the plans for the Maria Ygnacio Creek Main Branch Future Post-Fire Mitigation Debris Rack; and
c) Find that pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15162, no
substantial changes are proposed, there are no substantial changes in circumstances and no new information of substantial importance has come to light regarding environmental effects of the project or feasibility of mitigation measures and, therefore this action is within the scope of the project covered by the 2017 Updated Debris Basin Maintenance and Removal Plan approved and adopted by the Board on June 6, 2017, which is within the scope of the project covered by the Program Environmental Impact Report for the Updated Routine Maintenance Program (01-EIR-01) approved in 2001 and no new environmental document is required.