HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Indian Gaming Revenues Special Distribution Funds (SB621), as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.)
a) Receive a report on SB 621, which establishes the method for calculating and distributing $25 million from the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund to local governments impacted by tribal gaming;
b) Adopt a resolution recognizing the creation of the Santa Barbara County Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee (Committee), created by SB 621, and codified as Government Code section 12715(b)(1);
c) Appoint two representatives from the County to serve on the Committee
d) Direct staff to ask the City of Solvang to forward a recommendation for three elected representatives, to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors, to serve on the Committee;
e) Direct staff to ask the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians to select two representatives, to be appointed by the tribe, to serve on the Committee.
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