Consider recommendations regarding the Bonita School Road Bridge Replacement Environmental Approval, Fifth District, as follows:
a) Certify that the Board has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (23NGD-00000-00008) and make the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings required to adopt the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (23NGD-00000-00003) for Bonita School Road Replacement Project No. 862367;
b) Adopt the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (23NGD-00000-00008) and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Plan included in the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (23NGD-00000-00003) for Bonita School Road Replacement Project No. 862367;
c) Approve the Project and authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise for bids to construct Bonita School Road Replacement Project No. 862367;
d) Authorize the Director of Public Works to proceed with right-of-way acquisition negotiations, including in fee, right-of-way easements or licenses, and/or temporary construction easements, as required for the construction of the Bonita School Road Replacement Project No. 862367; and
e) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Third Amendment to the Agreement for Services of Independent Contractor with Padre and Associates Inc. for the Bonita School Road Bridge 51C-230 Replacement Project No. 862367 over the Santa Maria River to extend the term of the contract to April 30, 2025 with no increase to the original contract payment amount.