File #:
Agenda Item
On agenda:
Final action:
Consider recommendations regarding San Antonio Groundwater Basin Study, Third, Fourth and Fifth Districts, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Joint Funding Agreement No. 15WSCA600081610.A1 with the United States Geological Survey to continue a comprehensive study of the San Antonio Groundwater Basin in order to assess current and future water availability by increasing the amount by $246,398.00 in amount not to exceed $1,025,326.00 (in which $920,348.00 will be funded by the County Water Agency, and $104,978.00 will be funded by the United States Geological Survey) and to extend the period by one year from October 31, 2019 to October 31, 2020; and
b) Determine that the amendment to the agreement for San Antonio Groundwater Study is exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, Section 15262; Feasibility and Planning Studies and Section 15306 (Class 6) Basic data collection, research, experimental management, a...
Consider recommendations regarding San Antonio Groundwater Basin Study, Third, Fourth and Fifth Districts, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Joint Funding Agreement No. 15WSCA600081610.A1 with the United States Geological Survey to continue a comprehensive study of the San Antonio Groundwater Basin in order to assess current and future water availability by increasing the amount by $246,398.00 in amount not to exceed $1,025,326.00 (in which $920,348.00 will be funded by the County Water Agency, and $104,978.00 will be funded by the United States Geological Survey) and to extend the period by one year from October 31, 2019 to October 31, 2020; and
b) Determine that the amendment to the agreement for San Antonio Groundwater Study is exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, Section 15262; Feasibility and Planning Studies and Section 15306 (Class 6) Basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities, as previously approved by the Board on November 4, 2014.